
Be a fair and inclusive company
As a responsible employer, Oxysign takes care of its employees’ workplace wellbeing.
Equal opportunity, in every role, is the foundation of our social responsibility and a core management principle.
We promote learning by building long-lasting partnerships, for initial higher-education students through to future engineers.
Our employment rate for people with a disability exceeds 10% (well above the statutory requirement).
We are strongly focused on retaining our employees over the long term: our longest-serving screenprinter has been with us for more than 40 years!
Produce responsibly, with perseverance and high performance
Oxysign has embarked on a CSR rating programme as set by the ISO 26000 standard, and now ranks among the top 1% of companies in its sector for its performance, rated Gold by EcoVadis.
The assessment covers 21 CSR-related criteria under four headings: Environment, Labour & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.
These criteria are taken from international CST standards such as the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the ISO 26000 standard, the principles of the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), and the United Nations guiding principles on business and human rights.
All of our production complies with a standardised framework: Greenguard certified inks, waste traceability and upcycling, Imprim’vert label criteria..
Our environmental management is certified to ISO 14001.
Ensure parity between men and women.
At Oxysign, parity is present everywhere – during the hiring process, in all departments, and at each stage of career development, right up to top management.
To measure our progress and stay on track, the parity criterion is monitored regularly and we publish our results annually.
Deliver perfect quality
Oxysign is a manufacturing company: quality is subject to a specific organisational framework based on continual improvement, with inspection processes at every level.

Make French Fab shine
Oxy is committed to placing at the heart of its priorities:
- Innovation as a lever for the development of its activities.
- The modernization of its means of production as well as its business models, notably through digital technology.
- Adapting work organization to new practices and training in new skills.
- The ecological and environmental performance of its production methods and products.